

Erfol­gs­geschichte aus Afrika

Vielle­icht kön­nen Sie sich noch an unseren Newslet­ter Bericht vom August 2020 erin­nern.  Darin haben wir von unserem neuen Bienen-Pro­jekt in Ugan­da erzählt. Wir freuen uns sehr im aktuellen Newslet­ter bere­its eine erste Erfol­gs­geschichte aus diesem Pro­gramm erzählen zu kön­nen. Solche konkreten Geschicht­en — man kön­nte Sie auch Tes­ti­mo­ni­als nen­nen, gehören, wie das regelmäs­sige rap­portieren von nack­ten Zahlen zum stan­dar­d­isierten Aus­tausch, zwis­chen den Pro­gram­mver­ant­wortlichen in Afri­ka und unseren Län­derver­ant­wortlichen in der Schweiz. Der nun fol­gende Text ist 1:1 so, wie wir Ihn aus Ugan­da von Charles Mud­hum­ba, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Holis­tic Ini­tia­tive to Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment-HOLD Ugan­da bekom­men haben.

From absolute Pover­ty to mul­ti-busi­ness entre­pre­neur; Prosy diver­si­fies her busi­ness ven­ture from a gro­cery enter­prise to Bee Keep­ing for Hon­ey Production.

Prosy, a 51 year old women in Wesunile parish, Buyende Dis­trict East­ern Ugan­da, has lived a trans­formed life in her old age after access­ing cred­it from HOLD Ugan­da the Promic Pro­gramme, fund­ed by Swisshand.

She nar­rates; ‘access­ing a cred­it for busi­ness was nev­er heard of in our com­mu­ni­ty, one had to have assets like motor­cy­cle logo book, land titles among oth­ers, which would be pre­sent­ed as secu­ri­ty in finan­cial insti­tu­tions. In my com­mu­ni­ty pover­ty bite women hard­er a yet we the com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment pil­lars. When HOLD Ugan­da intro­duced the Promic pro­gramme, we under­went train­ing in micro cred­it man­age­ment and sav­ing, group dynam­ics and group cohe­sion train­ings. After which we applied for group grantee micro cred­it. It sound­ed like a dream until I got a loan of Ugx 350,000/- from HOLD Ugan­da and start­ed a gro­cery busi­ness (deal­ing in maize and Mil­let, as well as brew­ing mil­let wine). After pay­ing back well, I have now got­ten anoth­er loan which has enabled me to start bee keep­ing project. My cur­rent busi­ness will enable me pay­back this loan as I wait to har­vest hon­ey after six months.

Mwe­bale aba HOLD Ugan­da, mwe­bale aba Swisshand’
Thank you HOLD Ugan­da and thank you Swisshand.

My week­ly income moved from Ugx;0  to ugx; 70,000/-, I am  able to save in my group but also sup­port my grand­chil­dren attain basic require­ments. My hus­band is a retired police offi­cer but I sup­port him in pro­vid­ing for house­hold requirements.

Prosy is among the hun­dreds of women that are ben­e­fit­ing from the HOLD Uganda’s promic pro­gramme which is
sup­port­ed by swis­s­hand here in Kamuli and Buyende Dis­trict in East­ern Ugan­da. Through this pro­gramme we encour­age women to join sol­i­dar­i­ty groups after which they self-guar­an­tee one anoth­er to access a six months micro cred­it at very low inter­est rate of 2.5%. As a result women have estab­lished micro busi­ness enter­pris­es and ulti­mate­ly real­ized eco­nom­ic trans­for­ma­tion which is steadi­ly pos­i­tive­ly impact­ing on the social eco­nom­ic sta­tus of women in our communities.

Thank you swis­s­hand for con­sid­er­ing to sup­port women eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment initiatives.


Nadia Hold­en­er, Kom­mu­nika­tion