
Erfolgsgeschichte aus Afrika

Vielleicht können Sie sich noch an unseren Newsletter Bericht vom August 2020 erinnern.  Darin haben wir von unserem neuen Bienen-Projekt in Uganda erzählt. Wir freuen uns sehr im aktuellen Newsletter bereits eine erste Erfolgsgeschichte aus diesem Programm erzählen zu können. Solche konkreten Geschichten — man könnte Sie auch Testimonials nennen, gehören, wie das regelmässige rapportieren von nackten Zahlen zum standardisierten Austausch, zwischen den Programmverantwortlichen in Afrika und unseren Länderverantwortlichen in der Schweiz. Der nun folgende Text ist 1:1 so, wie wir Ihn aus Uganda von Charles Mudhumba, Executive Director, Holistic Initiative to Community Development-HOLD Uganda bekommen haben.

From absolute Poverty to multi-business entrepreneur; Prosy diversifies her business venture from a grocery enterprise to Bee Keeping for Honey Production.

Prosy, a 51 year old women in Wesunile parish, Buyende District Eastern Uganda, has lived a transformed life in her old age after accessing credit from HOLD Uganda the Promic Programme, funded by Swisshand.

She narrates; ‘accessing a credit for business was never heard of in our community, one had to have assets like motorcycle logo book, land titles among others, which would be presented as security in financial institutions. In my community poverty bite women harder a yet we the community development pillars. When HOLD Uganda introduced the Promic programme, we underwent training in micro credit management and saving, group dynamics and group cohesion trainings. After which we applied for group grantee micro credit. It sounded like a dream until I got a loan of Ugx 350,000/- from HOLD Uganda and started a grocery business (dealing in maize and Millet, as well as brewing millet wine). After paying back well, I have now gotten another loan which has enabled me to start bee keeping project. My current business will enable me payback this loan as I wait to harvest honey after six months.

‘Mwebale aba HOLD Uganda, mwebale aba Swisshand’
Thank you HOLD Uganda and thank you Swisshand.

My weekly income moved from Ugx;0  to ugx; 70,000/-, I am  able to save in my group but also support my grandchildren attain basic requirements. My husband is a retired police officer but I support him in providing for household requirements.

Prosy is among the hundreds of women that are benefiting from the HOLD Uganda’s promic programme which is
supported by swisshand here in Kamuli and Buyende District in Eastern Uganda. Through this programme we encourage women to join solidarity groups after which they self-guarantee one another to access a six months micro credit at very low interest rate of 2.5%. As a result women have established micro business enterprises and ultimately realized economic transformation which is steadily positively impacting on the social economic status of women in our communities.

Thank you swisshand for considering to support women economic Development initiatives.


Nadia Holdener, Kommunikation